Adrian Bridges

Guitarist, Composer, Sound Designer



Joe Alterman

Jazz Pianist

Has a nice, round and full sound filled with soul and blues. He always plays what's best for the situation and doesn’t get caught up in the technical aspect of the music.

Paul Bedard

Artistic Director, Theater In Asylum
"The Debates" (2016)
"¡Olé!" (2014)

Adrian Bridges is a whip-smart musician who is a thrill to collaborate with. On Theater in Asylum's rapid-fire adaptations of the 2016 Presidential debates (The Debates), he composed multiple musical-theater style songs and underscored numerous scenes at lightning speed.

Lawrence Bernstein

Music Professor
The University of Pennsylvania

A talented young composer who shows meticulous craftsmanship, an ingenious, innovative mastery of sonority, and an innate sense of the relationship between structure and the flow of time.

Will Taylor

Director, Choreographer
"Chickens In The Yard" (2017)

Adrian's design work and compositions were absolutely essential to the success of our production. His multilayered atmospheric sounds enhanced the complicated subtleties in the play, and his hypnotic compositions for the choreographed sequences helped bring together the real and surreal elements of the play. He is intuitive, smart, reliable and lovely to work with.

Illona Dixon

Broadway Actress

Magnifique! His laudable virtuosity is what has made his music the success that it is today.

Ezequiel Viñao

Composer, Professor (NYU)

Adrian's music never fails to capture the listener. It is both imaginative and well crafted.

Noam Shapiro

Artistic Director, Lyra Theater

Adrian is a generous, inventive, and hard-working collaborator. He'll take a single moment or idea and transform it into a comprehensive musical world. On Lyra Theater's production of The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, he composed and designed many evocative themes, transitions, and soundscapes that propelled the play forward. 

James Presson

Artistic Director
Less Than Rent Theatre

Adrian has been a strong collaborator in shaping and developing the tone of the music in our work. His arrangements reflect a deep understanding of the material as well as the goals of the pieces.

Rich Shemaria

Composer, Professor (NYU)

A talented, innovative composer. I'm always looking forward to hear his next piece and where he is going to take the listener. 

Lecco Morris


Shows great training but embraces the soulful, non-academic side of music. It’s blues with classical fingers.